The Green Divide: Struggles for Environmental Justice

The Green Divide: Struggles for Environmental Justice

Struggles for Environmental Justice in Europe and North America — A Virtual Screening of the BCNUEJ Interactive Webdocumentary


Date and time

Thursday, January 12, 2023 · 9 - 10am PST



About this event

The Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability is pleased to announce a screening and Q&A session with our filmmaker Alberto Bougleux as well as activists featured in our recently released online, interactive webdocumentary The Green Divide.

The Green Divide highlights stories of activism related to greening and housing from six neighborhoods in Europe and North America. This webdocumentary was created with the goal of sharing the challenges and successes of community activism and mobilization in the face of incipient (green) gentrification pressures. It includes short videos from activists and planners, archival and recent photographs, and neighborhood analyses – all which can be freely navigated through the web platform. This webdocumentary, as well as the BCNUEJ film series FEMPUBLICBCN related to women’s use of urban public space during and postdoc pandemic, can also be found on our Youtube channel. We welcome use of our films through any of our channels in the classroom and academic and non-academic learning contexts and request only that the materials be properly referenced/cited.

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