Avery Gallery

Avery Gallery exhibits and sells original works of art by some of the best artists from the Atlanta area, the nation, and the world. Oil paintings, bronze sculpture, photographs, enamel on copper, etchings and other graphics, watercolors, pastels, acrylics, ceramics, pottery and art glass. Paintings include impressionist landscapes, portraits, and other varied subject matter. We provide art restoration, frame construction, art and frame appraisal services, art consultations, art-commissioning and art education. Custom convex glass and curved glass for picture frames, furniture or other needs is made to order with samples shown on our website. The gallery specializes in color etchings by Luigi Kasimir, his wife Tanna Kasimir Hoernes, and their son Robert Kasimir.

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Imagen principal de Solo Exhibition - Alex Berdysheff:  Juxtaposition

Solo Exhibition - Alex Berdysheff: Juxtaposition


Imagen principal de Opening Reception - Alex Berdysheff:  Juxtaposition

Opening Reception - Alex Berdysheff: Juxtaposition

Sat, Sep 9, 6:00 PM


Imagen principal de Books & More! 12 Georgia Authors

Books & More! 12 Georgia Authors

Fri, Aug 7, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Ships Ahoy!

Ships Ahoy!

Fri, Jun 5, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Book Signing for George Pettett

Book Signing for George Pettett

Fri, May 15, 3:00 PM


Imagen principal de 2, 4 and More - Pets and Wildlife in Art

2, 4 and More - Pets and Wildlife in Art

Fri, Apr 3, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Pop/Realism Paintings by Clifford Land

Pop/Realism Paintings by Clifford Land

Fri, Oct 3, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Solo Exhibition - Alex Berdysheff:  Juxtaposition

Solo Exhibition - Alex Berdysheff: Juxtaposition


Imagen principal de Opening Reception - Alex Berdysheff:  Juxtaposition

Opening Reception - Alex Berdysheff: Juxtaposition

Sat, Sep 9, 6:00 PM


Imagen principal de Books & More! 12 Georgia Authors

Books & More! 12 Georgia Authors

Fri, Aug 7, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Ships Ahoy!

Ships Ahoy!

Fri, Jun 5, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Book Signing for George Pettett

Book Signing for George Pettett

Fri, May 15, 3:00 PM


Imagen principal de 2, 4 and More - Pets and Wildlife in Art

2, 4 and More - Pets and Wildlife in Art

Fri, Apr 3, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Pop/Realism Paintings by Clifford Land

Pop/Realism Paintings by Clifford Land

Fri, Oct 3, 5:00 PM


Avery Gallery exhibits and sells original works of art by some of the best artists from the Atlanta area, the nation, and the world. Oil paintings, bronze sculpture, photographs, enamel on copper, etchings and other graphics, watercolors, pastels, acrylics, ceramics, pottery and art glass. Paintings include impressionist landscapes, portraits, and other varied subject matter. We provide art restoration, frame construction, art and frame appraisal services, art consultations, art-commissioning and art education. Custom convex glass and curved glass for picture frames, furniture or other needs is made to order with samples shown on our website. The gallery specializes in color etchings by Luigi Kasimir, his wife Tanna Kasimir Hoernes, and their son Robert Kasimir.


Lo sentimos, no hay próximos eventos
Imagen principal de Solo Exhibition - Alex Berdysheff:  Juxtaposition

Solo Exhibition - Alex Berdysheff: Juxtaposition


Imagen principal de Opening Reception - Alex Berdysheff:  Juxtaposition

Opening Reception - Alex Berdysheff: Juxtaposition

Sat, Sep 9, 6:00 PM


Imagen principal de Books & More! 12 Georgia Authors

Books & More! 12 Georgia Authors

Fri, Aug 7, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Ships Ahoy!

Ships Ahoy!

Fri, Jun 5, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Book Signing for George Pettett

Book Signing for George Pettett

Fri, May 15, 3:00 PM


Imagen principal de 2, 4 and More - Pets and Wildlife in Art

2, 4 and More - Pets and Wildlife in Art

Fri, Apr 3, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Pop/Realism Paintings by Clifford Land

Pop/Realism Paintings by Clifford Land

Fri, Oct 3, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Solo Exhibition - Alex Berdysheff:  Juxtaposition

Solo Exhibition - Alex Berdysheff: Juxtaposition


Imagen principal de Opening Reception - Alex Berdysheff:  Juxtaposition

Opening Reception - Alex Berdysheff: Juxtaposition

Sat, Sep 9, 6:00 PM


Imagen principal de Books & More! 12 Georgia Authors

Books & More! 12 Georgia Authors

Fri, Aug 7, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Ships Ahoy!

Ships Ahoy!

Fri, Jun 5, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Book Signing for George Pettett

Book Signing for George Pettett

Fri, May 15, 3:00 PM


Imagen principal de 2, 4 and More - Pets and Wildlife in Art

2, 4 and More - Pets and Wildlife in Art

Fri, Apr 3, 5:00 PM


Imagen principal de Pop/Realism Paintings by Clifford Land

Pop/Realism Paintings by Clifford Land

Fri, Oct 3, 5:00 PM
