Artisans Asylum Inc

We are an inclusive, 501(c)(3) non-profit community makerspace offering affordable studios, shared workshops, classrooms, and communal spaces used by artists, makers, entrepreneurs, and students. Shops are free to use for all members and anyone paying to take a class.

Artisans host more than 30 classes monthly, providing hands-on instruction in a range of trades, artistic disciplines and technical areas. Our mission as an inclusive, nonprofit community workshop is to advance the learning, practice and culture of do-it-yourself (“DIY”) fabrication.

We strive to provide anyone with access to the tools and training necessary to develop creative confidence and build the things they love and bring their inspired ideas into form.

We are committed to expanding access to our resources, fostering lifelong learning for all, and ensuring that we have the tools and resources for unfettered making.

Próximamente (58)

Imagen principal de Figure Drawing

Figure Drawing

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Imagen principal de *Free* Stab and Gab: Needle Felting Social Night

*Free* Stab and Gab: Needle Felting Social Night


Imagen principal de *Free Circuit Hacking Night!

*Free Circuit Hacking Night!


Imagen principal de *Free Fiber Arts Shop Night

*Free Fiber Arts Shop Night


Imagen principal de Beginner Wooden Box Making

Beginner Wooden Box Making

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Imagen principal de Welding Prelim - Intro to MIG / TIG / Stick

Welding Prelim - Intro to MIG / TIG / Stick

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Imagen principal de Artisans Asylum Public Tour

Artisans Asylum Public Tour


Imagen principal de TIG Welding 101: Two Day Edition

TIG Welding 101: Two Day Edition

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Imagen principal de Plasma Cutting 101: Getting started with CNC and Handheld Plasma Cutting

Plasma Cutting 101: Getting started with CNC and Handheld Plasma Cutting

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Imagen principal de Box Building 101

Box Building 101

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Imagen principal de Linocut Printmaking Workshop

Linocut Printmaking Workshop

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Imagen principal de Intro to VCarve and the ShopBot CNC Router

Intro to VCarve and the ShopBot CNC Router

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Figure Drawing

Figure Drawing

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Imagen principal de *Free* Stab and Gab: Needle Felting Social Night

*Free* Stab and Gab: Needle Felting Social Night


Imagen principal de *Free Circuit Hacking Night!

*Free Circuit Hacking Night!


Imagen principal de *Free Fiber Arts Shop Night

*Free Fiber Arts Shop Night


Imagen principal de Beginner Wooden Box Making

Beginner Wooden Box Making

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Imagen principal de Welding Prelim - Intro to MIG / TIG / Stick

Welding Prelim - Intro to MIG / TIG / Stick

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Imagen principal de Artisans Asylum Public Tour

Artisans Asylum Public Tour


Imagen principal de TIG Welding 101: Two Day Edition

TIG Welding 101: Two Day Edition

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Imagen principal de Plasma Cutting 101: Getting started with CNC and Handheld Plasma Cutting

Plasma Cutting 101: Getting started with CNC and Handheld Plasma Cutting

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Imagen principal de Box Building 101

Box Building 101

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Imagen principal de Linocut Printmaking Workshop

Linocut Printmaking Workshop

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Imagen principal de Intro to VCarve and the ShopBot CNC Router

Intro to VCarve and the ShopBot CNC Router

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Pasados (89)

Imagen principal de Artisan’s Asylum Speaker Series: Wayne Strattman

Artisan’s Asylum Speaker Series: Wayne Strattman

ayer a las 19:00

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Imagen principal de Blacksmithing Basics: Leaf Pendants

Blacksmithing Basics: Leaf Pendants

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Imagen principal de SEWING 201: Handmade Gifts

SEWING 201: Handmade Gifts

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Imagen principal de Weld a Garden Trellis

Weld a Garden Trellis

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Imagen principal de *Free* Make a mobile

*Free* Make a mobile


Imagen principal de Artisans Asylum Open Studio & Makers Market

Artisans Asylum Open Studio & Makers Market

Sat, Apr 27, 11:00 AM

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Imagen principal de Sound Meditation Gourd Rattle

Sound Meditation Gourd Rattle

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Imagen principal de Box Building 105

Box Building 105

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Imagen principal de Green wood carving: start with a spoon!

Green wood carving: start with a spoon!

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Imagen principal de Intro to Green Wood Carving

Intro to Green Wood Carving

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Curating Contemporary Art: From Object to Event

Curating Contemporary Art: From Object to Event

Tue, Apr 9, 7:00 PM

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Imagen principal de Type and Image

Type and Image

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Imagen principal de Artisan’s Asylum Speaker Series: Wayne Strattman

Artisan’s Asylum Speaker Series: Wayne Strattman

ayer a las 19:00

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Imagen principal de Blacksmithing Basics: Leaf Pendants

Blacksmithing Basics: Leaf Pendants

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Imagen principal de SEWING 201: Handmade Gifts

SEWING 201: Handmade Gifts

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Imagen principal de Weld a Garden Trellis

Weld a Garden Trellis

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Imagen principal de *Free* Make a mobile

*Free* Make a mobile


Imagen principal de Artisans Asylum Open Studio & Makers Market

Artisans Asylum Open Studio & Makers Market

Sat, Apr 27, 11:00 AM

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Imagen principal de Sound Meditation Gourd Rattle

Sound Meditation Gourd Rattle

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Imagen principal de Box Building 105

Box Building 105

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Imagen principal de Green wood carving: start with a spoon!

Green wood carving: start with a spoon!

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Imagen principal de Intro to Green Wood Carving

Intro to Green Wood Carving

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Imagen principal de Curating Contemporary Art: From Object to Event

Curating Contemporary Art: From Object to Event

Tue, Apr 9, 7:00 PM

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Imagen principal de Type and Image

Type and Image

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We are an inclusive, 501(c)(3) non-profit community makerspace offering affordable studios, shared workshops, classrooms, and communal spaces used by artists, makers, entrepreneurs, and students. Shops are free to use for all members and anyone paying to take a class.

Artisans host more than 30 classes monthly, providing hands-on instruction in a range of trades, artistic disciplines and technical areas. Our mission as an inclusive, nonprofit community workshop is to advance the learning, practice and culture of do-it-yourself (“DIY”) fabrication.

We strive to provide anyone with access to the tools and training necessary to develop creative confidence and build the things they love and bring their inspired ideas into form.

We are committed to expanding access to our resources, fostering lifelong learning for all, and ensuring that we have the tools and resources for unfettered making.


Imagen principal de Figure Drawing

Figure Drawing

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Imagen principal de *Free* Stab and Gab: Needle Felting Social Night

*Free* Stab and Gab: Needle Felting Social Night


Imagen principal de *Free Circuit Hacking Night!

*Free Circuit Hacking Night!


Imagen principal de *Free Fiber Arts Shop Night

*Free Fiber Arts Shop Night


Imagen principal de Beginner Wooden Box Making

Beginner Wooden Box Making

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Welding Prelim - Intro to MIG / TIG / Stick

Welding Prelim - Intro to MIG / TIG / Stick

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Artisans Asylum Public Tour

Artisans Asylum Public Tour


Imagen principal de TIG Welding 101: Two Day Edition

TIG Welding 101: Two Day Edition

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Imagen principal de Plasma Cutting 101: Getting started with CNC and Handheld Plasma Cutting

Plasma Cutting 101: Getting started with CNC and Handheld Plasma Cutting

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Box Building 101

Box Building 101

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Imagen principal de Linocut Printmaking Workshop

Linocut Printmaking Workshop

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Imagen principal de Intro to VCarve and the ShopBot CNC Router

Intro to VCarve and the ShopBot CNC Router

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Imagen principal de Figure Drawing

Figure Drawing

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Imagen principal de *Free* Stab and Gab: Needle Felting Social Night

*Free* Stab and Gab: Needle Felting Social Night


Imagen principal de *Free Circuit Hacking Night!

*Free Circuit Hacking Night!


Imagen principal de *Free Fiber Arts Shop Night

*Free Fiber Arts Shop Night


Imagen principal de Beginner Wooden Box Making

Beginner Wooden Box Making

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Welding Prelim - Intro to MIG / TIG / Stick

Welding Prelim - Intro to MIG / TIG / Stick

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Artisans Asylum Public Tour

Artisans Asylum Public Tour


Imagen principal de TIG Welding 101: Two Day Edition

TIG Welding 101: Two Day Edition

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Plasma Cutting 101: Getting started with CNC and Handheld Plasma Cutting

Plasma Cutting 101: Getting started with CNC and Handheld Plasma Cutting

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Box Building 101

Box Building 101

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Imagen principal de Linocut Printmaking Workshop

Linocut Printmaking Workshop

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Imagen principal de Intro to VCarve and the ShopBot CNC Router

Intro to VCarve and the ShopBot CNC Router

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Imagen principal de Artisan’s Asylum Speaker Series: Wayne Strattman

Artisan’s Asylum Speaker Series: Wayne Strattman

ayer a las 19:00

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Imagen principal de Blacksmithing Basics: Leaf Pendants

Blacksmithing Basics: Leaf Pendants

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Imagen principal de SEWING 201: Handmade Gifts

SEWING 201: Handmade Gifts

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Imagen principal de Weld a Garden Trellis

Weld a Garden Trellis

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Imagen principal de *Free* Make a mobile

*Free* Make a mobile


Imagen principal de Artisans Asylum Open Studio & Makers Market

Artisans Asylum Open Studio & Makers Market

Sat, Apr 27, 11:00 AM

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Imagen principal de Sound Meditation Gourd Rattle

Sound Meditation Gourd Rattle

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Imagen principal de Box Building 105

Box Building 105

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Imagen principal de Green wood carving: start with a spoon!

Green wood carving: start with a spoon!

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Imagen principal de Intro to Green Wood Carving

Intro to Green Wood Carving

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Imagen principal de Curating Contemporary Art: From Object to Event

Curating Contemporary Art: From Object to Event

Tue, Apr 9, 7:00 PM

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Imagen principal de Type and Image

Type and Image

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Imagen principal de Artisan’s Asylum Speaker Series: Wayne Strattman

Artisan’s Asylum Speaker Series: Wayne Strattman

ayer a las 19:00

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Imagen principal de Blacksmithing Basics: Leaf Pendants

Blacksmithing Basics: Leaf Pendants

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Imagen principal de SEWING 201: Handmade Gifts

SEWING 201: Handmade Gifts

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Imagen principal de Weld a Garden Trellis

Weld a Garden Trellis

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Imagen principal de *Free* Make a mobile

*Free* Make a mobile


Imagen principal de Artisans Asylum Open Studio & Makers Market

Artisans Asylum Open Studio & Makers Market

Sat, Apr 27, 11:00 AM

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Imagen principal de Sound Meditation Gourd Rattle

Sound Meditation Gourd Rattle

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Imagen principal de Box Building 105

Box Building 105

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Imagen principal de Green wood carving: start with a spoon!

Green wood carving: start with a spoon!

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Imagen principal de Intro to Green Wood Carving

Intro to Green Wood Carving

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Imagen principal de Curating Contemporary Art: From Object to Event

Curating Contemporary Art: From Object to Event

Tue, Apr 9, 7:00 PM

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Imagen principal de Type and Image

Type and Image

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