CitizenGO Foundation

CitizenGO is community of active citizens who work together, using online petitions and action alerts as a resource, to defend and promote life, family, and liberty. We work to ensure that those in power respect human dignity and individuals’ rights.

Do you want to change the world? Thousands of like-minded people will help you!

With CitizenGO’s online petition platform, you are able to send your petition to decision makers in local, national, and international government bodies and businesses. Likeminded individuals from all over the world will join you in winning your cause.

If you want, you can start right away: create your petition.

More information 

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Imagen principal de Escuela Internacional de Recaudación de Fondos y Activismo

Escuela Internacional de Recaudación de Fondos y Activismo

Mon, Jul 17, 9:00 AM

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Imagen principal de 2017 CitizenGO Summer School (+ISF)

2017 CitizenGO Summer School (+ISF)

Mon, Jul 17, 9:00 AM

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Imagen principal de CitizenGO Summer School & International School of Fundraising

CitizenGO Summer School & International School of Fundraising

Wed, Jul 6, 5:00 PM

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Imagen principal de Congress 'Defending religious freedom and other human rights' Apr 28th-30th

Congress 'Defending religious freedom and other human rights' Apr 28th-30th

Thu, Apr 28, 9:00 AM

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Imagen principal de Escuela Internacional de Recaudación de Fondos y Activismo

Escuela Internacional de Recaudación de Fondos y Activismo

Mon, Jul 17, 9:00 AM

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Imagen principal de 2017 CitizenGO Summer School (+ISF)

2017 CitizenGO Summer School (+ISF)

Mon, Jul 17, 9:00 AM

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Imagen principal de CitizenGO Summer School & International School of Fundraising

CitizenGO Summer School & International School of Fundraising

Wed, Jul 6, 5:00 PM

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Imagen principal de Congress 'Defending religious freedom and other human rights' Apr 28th-30th

Congress 'Defending religious freedom and other human rights' Apr 28th-30th

Thu, Apr 28, 9:00 AM

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CitizenGO is community of active citizens who work together, using online petitions and action alerts as a resource, to defend and promote life, family, and liberty. We work to ensure that those in power respect human dignity and individuals’ rights.

Do you want to change the world? Thousands of like-minded people will help you!

With CitizenGO’s online petition platform, you are able to send your petition to decision makers in local, national, and international government bodies and businesses. Likeminded individuals from all over the world will join you in winning your cause.

If you want, you can start right away: create your petition.

More information 


Lo sentimos, no hay próximos eventos
Imagen principal de Escuela Internacional de Recaudación de Fondos y Activismo

Escuela Internacional de Recaudación de Fondos y Activismo

Mon, Jul 17, 9:00 AM

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de 2017 CitizenGO Summer School (+ISF)

2017 CitizenGO Summer School (+ISF)

Mon, Jul 17, 9:00 AM

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Imagen principal de CitizenGO Summer School & International School of Fundraising

CitizenGO Summer School & International School of Fundraising

Wed, Jul 6, 5:00 PM

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Imagen principal de Congress 'Defending religious freedom and other human rights' Apr 28th-30th

Congress 'Defending religious freedom and other human rights' Apr 28th-30th

Thu, Apr 28, 9:00 AM

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Imagen principal de Escuela Internacional de Recaudación de Fondos y Activismo

Escuela Internacional de Recaudación de Fondos y Activismo

Mon, Jul 17, 9:00 AM

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de 2017 CitizenGO Summer School (+ISF)

2017 CitizenGO Summer School (+ISF)

Mon, Jul 17, 9:00 AM

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de CitizenGO Summer School & International School of Fundraising

CitizenGO Summer School & International School of Fundraising

Wed, Jul 6, 5:00 PM

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento

Imagen principal de Congress 'Defending religious freedom and other human rights' Apr 28th-30th

Congress 'Defending religious freedom and other human rights' Apr 28th-30th

Thu, Apr 28, 9:00 AM

Comprobar el precio de la entrada en el evento